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We are the leading experts
in Child Support Law
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Delivering sound advice and guidance
for almost 30 years
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Leading advisory service to all parents,
family lawyers and advice services

Child Maintenance Experts at your side

When it comes to child maintenance decisions, their impact on family finances can be significant. If you find yourself in a situation where you believe a decision made by the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) is incorrect, or not sure if it reflects your circumstances it’s essential to follow the legal process with precision. 

Our team provides straightforward advice and guidance.  With nearly three decades of experience, we provide bespoke advice to parents.

We guide you through the legal steps required to challenge a decision; whether it’s a mandatory reconsideration or an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, we ensure you follow the correct procedures within the specified timeframes, and defend your case accurately. 


Leading CMS
Advisory Service

The Child Maintenance Service (CMS) operates within a complex legislative framework, and the rules can vary significantly from one case to another. It’s crucial to receive accurate advice that is tailored to your circumstances.  We aim to take the turmoil out of the process with our reliable and trustworthy support. 

We provide that guidance to parents, but family lawyers also often seek our expertise to support their clients.  

Remember that timely action is crucial, so don’t hesitate to seek our assistance. 

While we cannot advise anyone to break the law, we can certainly highlight situations where the CMS may not be following legal requirements.

30 years of supporting parents.

We can help with any CMS related enquiry if you are:

  • A Paying Parent
  • A Receiving Parent
  • A Family Lawyer
  • An Advice or debt Service

But we cannot help with:

  • Overseas Maintenance (where CMS has no jurisdiction in the case)
  • Making non-payers – pay. Only CMS have the legal right to enforce non-payment of child maintenance
  • Removing debt that is proven to be valid, although we can help to achieve a more manageable payment plan.
  • We are not CMS – We cannot access your account as held by them.

Contact Us

If you need help with any Child Maintenance Service decision or threats of legal enforcement against child maintenance arrears, contact us now.

    Other Services

    If CMS are a part of your life, why not have the experts at your side.
    Book your consultation now, and let us help you to put things right.
    For your personal consultation please click below.

    Book Now and stop feeling alone!

    Whether you are a Receiving Parent or Paying Parent, we can help. From understanding the legislation, or decision making through to helping achieve correct outcomes based on your circumstances.